MAAA Wingspan

21 Thiswas the start of a great day as not only didwe have a good turnof clubmembers, but we alsohad visitors fromother clubs and pastmembers that wanted tohave a look,” said Joe. “Over the daywe had some 15 people come through the gate. Juniors, dads and families came out to seewhat Mt Wallace was all about and see howwe enjoymodel aircraft aviation. It was fantastic to see clubmembers and visitors having a chat showcasingwhat we love to do. “Sowas the exercise/event worthdoing? No doubt it was, with the possibility of 3 to 5 newmembers joining the club. That in itself is anoutstanding result considering the daywouldnot hold any value due toweather and the timing of the event. I believemany peoplewere pleasantly surprised at how things went. It was the clubmembers and instructors thatmade the day such a success.” The feedback fromthe event has beenpositivewith suggestions that the club should run the event every six months. That is apossibility for the club, as they dohave the instructors and trainers to do the task. However, they feel a better option might be tohold this event once per year. Whichever it is, MWMAA has representedmodelling ina very positiveway and have generated a lot of interest. “Therewill be further discussions on this event and the frequency the event should be held. For those Clubmembers that have any comments or ways to improve the event, should share their ideaswith the committee,” said Joe. “Well done to all MWMAA clubmembers, instructors and supporters. A fantastic event to improve our sport and membership.” To growour sport, theMAAA encourages all clubs towelcome and support enthusiasts by hosting aHave aGo Flying Day, allowing the public to enjoy the sport of aeromodelling ina safe and funenvironment. Wewould love your club to get onboard, providing your memberswithmore resources and field facilitieswhile protecting the future of our sport.